Summer Practice Opportunities

Admin May 27, 2015 Comments Off on Summer Practice Opportunities
Summer Practice Opportunities

Parents –

We’ve selected a few dates at Immanuel Lutheran School (located across from Wentzville South Middle School) to host basketball practices / skill training. We realize everyone’s summer schedule is unique and that your son may or may not be able to attend these practices.

The plan will be to share the cost of the practice space among those attending the sessions.  Cost to rent the gym is $50 per hour to give you an idea of the cost we’ll be allocating.  Once I get an idea of who and how many will be attending, I’ll let you know what to expect.

Please complete the form / survey below to help us get a feel for which dates are best for the group.  Thanks in advance for using this form instead of just emailing me your dates. Using this form allows me to keep all of the information in one safe spot and emails don’t get missed or lost.

Summer Practice Dates

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