Bombers Spring Basketball

Admin February 21, 2015 Comments Off on Bombers Spring Basketball
Bombers Spring Basketball

The Bombers basketball program will be forming teams to compete in Spring leagues beginning in late March and extending thru mid May.  Teams will be formed at grade levels 3rd thru 8th grade, boys and girls. If we don’t get enough players at a particular grade level we may elect to combine two grade levels.

Games – Teams will likely participate in the CNR Spring League with games to be played on Saturdays or Sundays.  We anticipate playing anywhere from 4 to 8 games with each team. The number of games will depend on the team’s availability.

Practices – Teams will practice in March at Wentzville South Middle School, Ft. Zumwalt North Middle School or Immanuel Lutheran Church. The program has gym space available Monday, Wednesday and Thursday during most weeks, 6pm – 9pm.  Once we identify how many teams will be participating we will allocate practice gym space to the various grade levels.

Uniforms – For those players new to the Bombers program we can either order a new uniform (Cost – $52) or we can ask a player from our Fall / Winter program if they are interested in selling back their uniform at a slight discount.

Scheduling – We have a lot of control over our game schedule so don’t worry if other activities (baseball, softball, etc.) may conflict. As soon as we identify the players on the respective teams we’ll survey the families to learn of their respective conflicts and make every attempt to schedule around those conflicts.



PS – Summer Basketball

The CNR Summer will start in mid June and last through late July. The Bombers will have teams participating in the Summer program as well with more information coming in early May.


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