Spring Basketball

Admin January 14, 2015 Comments Off on Spring Basketball
Spring Basketball

Parents –

This morning, CNR Basketball announced they will be hosting a Spring League beginning in late March and extending thru May.  I’m excited to be able to provide our players the opportunity to continue playing basketball during the “offseason” if they have interest and can juggle it with the other spring activities they regularly engage in.

I need to get a feel for how many players are interested in participating in our Spring program.


A benefit of participation in the CNR League is I’m directly involved with the scheduling of the league games. CNR is recognized for offering coaches flexibility with their schedules to accommodate conflicts, so we’ll be able to adapt our schedules to our respective teams and their individual conflicts (within reason).

Simply put, if your son or daughter plays baseball / softball or other spring sport and still wants to play basketball, this will provide that opportunity.

We can literally select the number of games each team wants to play and when we want to play them.  So based on which players are interested and their anticipated conflicts, we can customize the experience to accommodate our individual teams.

I don’t know yet when practices will be held as I’m in the process of evaluating our gym space options.  We have Wentzville South Middle School through February but will be needing to renew with WSMS or finding another practice venue to get us through May.

How much will cost?  It will depend on the number of games each team wants to play and how often they want to practice.  As soon as we determine the answers to those questions, I’ll be able to put a cost together for each team. Rest assured, the associated expenses for practices and games will just get allocated evenly to the appropriate teams and players.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or call 314-608-2545.



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